Young people are an important part of our diocese. Youth formation primarily happens in the diocese at the parish level.

Education Office

In the Western area of the diocese, youth groups from these parishes are getting together to regular events. In both Traralgon and Warragul, youth groups are also active.

The Diocese has a Facebook page Sale Youth Ministry - where news and events from around the Diocese of Sale is shared. We encourage you to like the page to learn what is happening.

If you wish to share information about your parish youth activities on the Facebook page, let us know by emailing

If you or members of your family wish to be involved in the activities for young people, contact your local parish to see what is happening.


Youth Ministry in Schools

Each of the seven Catholic Secondary schools offer a stream of Youth Ministry in their Religious Education programs.

Students are introduced to the theories and skills around peer-to-peer ministry. They are also offered opportunities to minister to their peers and primary students of some of their feeder schools.

Students are given the opportunity to help organise and participate in Youth Gatherings that bring together students from the seven Catholic Secondary schools of the Diocese.

For more information, please contact the Catholic Identity and Religious Education Officer, Jeremy Wright, or call (03) 5622 6614.