Waiting An Advent Haiku- By Mike Hansen 

Long do we endure
Winter’s cold bones that sap the
warmth of our own spring.
Long do we yearn for
the bulbs to rise from their dark,
lonely confinement. 
Long do we wait for
change to pass through its dying 
patterns to new promise.
Long do we watch for 
dawn which scatters the hold that
darkness clamps to us.
Long do we nurse hope 
that our raw pain will cycle 
back into balance.
Long do we ache for 
A chance to make amends where
a heart is wounded.
Long do we hunt for
small moments of wonder and
awe that make us strong.
Long do we hunger
with weary souls for your peace
in our troubled world.
Long do we crave You, 
who accepts us as we are 
without refinement.  
Long have you sought us
amidst the tangle of our 
lives and distractions.
We wait with longing 
for You to nestle in the 
loose straw of our hearts.
Maranatha… Come Lord!
Haiku: a three line Japanese poem comprising 17 syllables.