Reflection by Denise Tan

Learning & Teaching Coach- Religious Education, St Peters College, Cranbourne.

First Reading Joshua 24:1-2. 15-18;

Second Reading Ephesians 5:21-32;

Gospel John 6:60-69




When the opportunity came up to submit a Sunday Gospels reflection, I thought it would be interesting and I knew I wanted to participate but unsure which week to put my hand up for. After I received an email from someone else volunteering and stating that this week’s readings contained the verses “wives submit to your husbands,” I knew instantly that I was meant to complete a reflection on these readings. God’s timing works so perfectly as this Ephesians 5 reading, fell on the same weekend as my wedding!

Reflecting on all three readings, I have found an overarching theme that has spoken to me. Choice. The world in which we live today provides all peoples, young and old with so many options for every decision we make today, some would argue, too many options, not all of which brings Glory to God. Biblically speaking, we know that there is only one option, as Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. However, walking in this world today, the attractions of life often tempt us away from Him. Preceding the words of today’s Gospel, Jesus announces that He is the Bread of Life and whoever eats this bread will live forever and those who do not will have no life. Jesus then also reminds us of this hard pill to swallow; “the Spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing.”

We learn today that His disciples are complaining that this is a hard teaching that will be difficult for many to accept, so difficult that we see many of his disciples turn away from him. I think many of us Christians often struggle with the internal dilemma of wanting to follow on our walk with Christ, but the things of this world are often too attractive and tempting.

The readings today have reminded me that although the commitment to Christ invites me to let go of my worldly desires and I might not be walking on this road with any others, the rewards and eternal life I will receive later on will be well worth it. As someone who is about to embark on the journey of marriage and build a new family, the first and second readings are a reminder to not just me but to all, that our house should be built on serving the Lord and eating only the bread that He provides.

Though worded in what some might call controversial, the Ephesians reading calls for all marriages to mimic the relationship of the church and Christ. The call to submit to our husbands encourages me to think about how the church (us) should submit to the will of Christ, and follow His teachings and guidance. Many times in my life, I often think I know what is best for me, I want to be in control and make decisions that feel good to the flesh and choose things that are societally “correct.”. It is important to remind ourselves of what Peter said, if not Christ, to whom shall we go? Jesus is the only way to eternal life and whilst living in the Spirit, we need to push through the desires of the flesh and let the Holy Spirit take over in our choices, even when it seems difficult, especially when it is difficult. 


Is this something you are also feeling encouraged to do? How often do we feel like the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, what are we going to do about this?