The Resurrection

Jesus rises from the metallic cold of the tomb in a burst of new life. With the bronzed body of an Australian surfer he crests the waves in a moment of ecstasy, greeting the new day with the zest of his new reality. 

The blue glass is the cerulean arch of the Australian summer sky, the yellow flame the amber flash at the very moment of resurrection bringing the reality of the redemptive event into the lives of those of us who are present. 

This is a lithe, slender and lean Jesus who bears no signs of suffering. He is full of health... robust and almost rampant. There is no crown of thorns... there are no marks of the Passion. Whilst the cross is present it is but a watermark impression... a memory of a former reality of suffering and death. 

What we have here is the promise of redemption. Pain, suffering and death no longer have jurisdiction. New life awaits us all.


Sculpture by Anthony Rosso, Lavalla Catholic College, Kildare Campus Chapel, Traralgon