Mary, did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water? Mary, did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters? Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new? This child that you delivered will soon deliver you.
Mary, did you know? Is a contemporary Christmas song celebrating the birth of Jesus as a gift from God. Today is the fortieth day of Christmas, marking the end of the Christmas season. We celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, otherwise known as Candlemas, which commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the Temple by Joseph and Mary – Jesus the light of the world.
Today, we are invited into a powerful moment of encounter and revelation in the life of Christ. When Mary and Joseph bring the infant Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem, they are following the Jewish customs of purification and presenting their child to the Lord. This act fulfills the law, but it also unveils three deeper spiritual reflections for us to ponder. The encounter between young and old, the proclamation of Simeon, and the witness from Anna.
Firstly, the encounter between the young and the old, observes the young newly-weds, a teenage mother, placing her almost 6-week-old newborn son, into the arms of a very elderly stranger, who embraces her child with renewed hope. Pope Francis once said, “It is a unique encounter between observance and prophecy, where young people are the observers, and the elderly are prophets!” In other words, it is good for the elderly to communicate their wisdom to the young, and it is good for the young to gather this wealth of wisdom and lived experiences, carrying it forward to help face challenges that life brings. Let us ponder, where in my community can I mentor a younger person or seek the knowledge from an older person to journey through the Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous mysteries of life?
Secondly, the proclamation of Simeon praising God is a profound witness to the light of Christ and the peace that comes from recognising Him as our Saviour. This was possible, because Simeon was animated by the Holy Spirt, obedient to his action and sensitive to his calls. It is an invitation for us to ‘see’ with eyes of faith, the fulfillment of God’s promises, the salvation mission of Jesus, and the abiding hope and peace that comes from encountering Him. Let us ponder, what spiritual practices can I learn or renew this year to open my eyes and heart of faith?
Thirdly, Anna’s witness exemplifies the call to evangelise, not by eloquent words but by the testimony of our lives and the sharing of the hope we have found in Jesus. Her ability to recognise the infant Jesus as the Messiah is a revelation to her sensitivity of the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Her life teaches us the importance of staying committed to God, even through life’s hardships and long periods of waiting as God’s plan unfolds. Our lives rooted in prayer and devotion is the foundation for acknowledging and responding to God’s presence in our lives. Let us ponder, who can I share my testimony with, to be an instrument of Gods hope and messenger of good news?
In summary, as Pilgrims of Hope this Jubilee Year, may we be invited to be open to the movement and promptings of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Today’s Feast of the Presentation of Jesus gives us a glimpse of the heavenly future. We may not live to see all our hopes come to pass, but God in His mercy lets us ‘feast our eyes’ upon the promise and gives us a glimpse. We are privileged to see Jesus in the Word, Eucharist, and Sacraments. Let us ponder, how can I always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks me to give the reason for the hope that I have?
Finally, it is my prayer dear friends, at whatever age we find ourselves, may we willingly allow Mary to place Jesus in our arms to fulfill our hopes and desires. That in the quiet and ordinary moments of our lives, may we ‘see’ like Simeon and have ‘faith’ like Anna, to be ready to recognise Christ and share the light of His salvation with the world. For the wisdom to respond to the promptings of the Spirit, leaving a hopeful and joyful mark on all people, young and old.
Mary, did you know that your baby boy Is the Lord of all creation? Mary, did you know that your baby boy will one day rule the nations? Did you know that your baby boy was heaven's perfect Lamb? And the sleeping child you're holding is the Great I Am.