Welcome to the final week of our Parish Stewardship Program.
In recent weeks we have reflected on:
We have also considered our parish as a community of faith:
This week brings it all together. We look to the future – imagining what sort of parish we want to be. Led by the Lord, we're filled with hope, but we need the support and contribution of every individual if we are to fulfil God's plan for us.
This week we ask you to finalise your commitments by:
Fr Peter Kooloos
Parish Priest
Thoughts from our leadership team
Why do you think it’s important to support your Parish financially through our Parish Stewardship Program?
“To be a parish rich in faith and have a strong community we must have a viable Church that can be strong for ourselves and others in the future. Faith alone is not enough we need to complement this with action, where everyone can share their time, talents and financial resources with all, to build a strong Church and meet the needs of those within the parish as well as others.”
“Finance is the base of human progress. To give is to share what has already been given to us.”