Reflection by Mike O'Brien

First Reading Acts of the Apostles 10:25-26. 34-35. 44-48; Second Reading 1 John 4:7-10

Gospel John 15:9-17






The theme of love pervades the readings for the Sixth Sunday of Easter. Love comes from God and is given to all.  Anyone who fails to love cannot have known God. He gives us this love by sacrificing his only son Jesus for us. 

Jesus has given us an example to follow. He wants us to love one another, even as he has loved us. As Jesus gave up his life for us, he wants us to do the same for one another. True love is not a cheap, shallow sentiment. It is costly! When we love others, we may need to sacrifice some things, or even many things, but loving others this way changes us and makes us more like Christ.


Typically, when we think of loving another we think of flowery sentiments and how loving another will make us happy.  If you're going to become a person who lives by true Christ like love, then you will need to learn to sacrifice. For example, if we should love someone as a friend then we must, as a joy, surrender any expectation of getting something out of the deal and make ourselves available to them, which may require sacrifice of other things or relationships.  True love needs nothing in return.

To love another as a husband or wife and enter into the covenant of marriage this will require our own time.   If God blesses us with children we will have to sacrifice many things and give our time and energy to the raising of our children.  While loving others might ultimately give us something in return, the reward is inconsequential. We must love others for their sake and not for what it might do for ourselves.

The Gospel reading concludes with the message delivered by our friend Jesus: “I command you to love one another.”