Today is a special anniversary for Sr Elizabeth Roberts MFIC.  She is celebrating 25 Years as Italian Chaplain in the Diocese of Sale.

A special Mass was held on 2nd of February at Morwell celebrated by Fr Vito Pegolo CS, Fr James Fernandez CP PP and Fr Solomon Okeh.

A Missionary Franciscan Sister of the Immaculate Conception, Sister Liz has supported the Italian Community in the Diocese with enthusiasm and loyalty over the quarter century.

The Morwell Italian Catholic Community hosted an afternoon tea for her following the Mass which was attend by approximately 100 people.

Thank you Sister Liz.   



Caption: Fr Fernandez, Fr Pegolo, Sister Roberts and Fr Okeh after Mass



Sr Liz Roberts centre celebrating 25 years Italian Chaplain   

Friends at the afternoon tea       

    Fr Solomon Okeh, Sister Liz Roberts and Fr James Fernandez CP PP cut the cake.