Covid has meant that many of our daily routines, celebrations and practices have been impacted in some form or another, and this is true in both our personal lives and in the work we do – for people all across the world.
Each year in August we celebrate CatholicCare Sunday Appeal in Catholic parishes throughout Greater Melbourne, Geelong and Gippsland, and this too has been impacted by the pandemic.
With many parishes in lockdown for the safety and wellbeing of communities, 2020 will be our first ever year conducting CatholicCare Sunday Appeal online.
We ask that you join with us in helping to BREAK BARRIERS – this year’s theme – to help families overcome the barriers holding them back, so that they may live life to the full.
Challenges like mental health issues or family and relationship breakdown can create barriers to leading a happy and fulfilling life. But with support, families, individuals, children and young adults break through these barriers for a brighter future.
Learn more about CatholicCare Sunday Appeal and how you can help break barriers. Watch the video for an insight.