On New Year’s Day, the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, the Diocese of Sale marked the Opening of the Jubilee Year 2025: Pilgrims of Hope with Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, concelebrated by Bishop Greg Bennet and several priests from around the Diocese.
It was marvellous to see so many parishioners from throughout the Diocese in attendance. From East Gippsland, Central Gippsland and the Western reaches of the Diocese, so many turned up to fill the cathedral and to celebrate Mass together.
The celebrations began with everyone assembling in the foyer of Cathedral and processing to the Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, who is the patroness of our Diocese. The procession was accompanied by a hymn to Mary. Following the Prayer of Invocation to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Bishop Greg led the Litany of Mary with the assembly responding with ‘Pray for us’ after each petition.
The Bishop with the clergy and the assembly then processed into the Cathedral where the Bishop led the Rite of Blessing and Sprinkling of Holy Water as a reminder of our unity as members of the Body of Christ. The Prayers of the Faithful were especially written for this celebration of the opening of the Jubilee Year, adapting some of the texts of Pope Francis’ addresses and homilies to pray for the Jubilee Year, for justice and peace and for the Church, that all her members may strive to be true Pilgrims of Hope for the world.
At communion time, Bishop Greg was privileged to use a golden communion chalice which was used in the first Church in our Diocese, at Tarraville. In those days (around the 1860’s), the priests, most of them of Irish background, had to ride horses to far flung communities to celebrate Mass, and this chalice fitted into the priests’ saddle bags. It is amazing that we were able to use this historical chalice today. Throughout this Year of Jubilee, this chalice will travel throughout the Diocese, to be used in all of our many Mass centres. The Mass concluded with a special Jubilee solemn blessing over the assembly.
The parishioners of the Cathedral Parish Sale provided a wonderful morning tea, and those who attended shared a marvellous time of sharing conversation and refreshments after Mass. We were blessed with a beautiful day in which to share this auspicious occasion. Huge thanks to all who helped bring this celebration about with the efforts of many people resulting in a deeply moving liturgical celebration.