Nicodemus came out of darkness of the night to find the Light of Christ.
“Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost, but may have eternal life.” – one of the best known and most beloved verses in the Gospel.
We might reflect on the three parts of this verse: God’s love, God’s Son, and our belief.
First there is God’s love. The world that God so loved is not some idealised place, where people try to live in justice and peace. This world with all its crime, dishonesty, wars and terrorism, with all its greed and immorality, this world is so loved by God that wanted to bring healing and new life to... or if you want to put it differently: show us and help us to a new level of human behaviour, with a vision of eternal life.
The first reading from the Old testament book of chronicles gives us a summary of Israel’s rebellion against God who gave them life. It says “the princes of Judah, the priests and the people added infidelity to infidelity, practising all the abominations of the nations and polluting the Lord’s temple. They mocked the messengers of God, despising his warnings and scoffed at his prophets”. And the story continues
Still God so loved the world, the world that we inhabit, that he sent Jesus.
In today’s second reading, St.Paul teaches us that the saving plan of God was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. He says, “When we were dead in our transgressions, God brought us to life with Christ”. Paul knew from experience. He had persecuted the Church. Then, out of nowhere on the road to Damascus the risen Christ appeared to him. With that his life was changed. He had done nothing to deserve it but Jesus opened his eyes. Jesus was the way to live, the message of Jesus, the message of forgiveness and loving God and others is the way to salvation
God loved the world so much that he sent Jesus. Through Jesus God entered into the grottiness of human life, to lift us to the next level and open up the vision of heaven. Jesus is the bridge between our limitations, sins, development and God’s healing.
Jesus refers to the Old Testament when poisonous snakes bit the people of Israel. They would have died, but Moses was told by God to fabricate a bronze serpent and put it on a pole and everyone who looked at the snake would be saved from death. Obedience to that command of God would neutralise the poison and they would be restored to life.
The poison of sin affects our world and us. Jesus lifted up on the cross
Finally there is our BELIEF. Lent is not just a time simply to sympathise with the cross, but to embrace it
We can sing about Jesus, meditate on Jesus, lament the suffering of Jesus, celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, built wonderful churches to honour Jesus. But are we ready to follow Jesus, to open our lives to his teaching, his truth, his forgiveness.
Baptism does not dump us in paradise.... it sets us on a journey with Jesus: Jesus has opened the way to heaven, but it is a way we have to travel, it is a way with the cross.