By Fr Mark Godridge      

First Reading Ez 37:12-14

Second Reading: Rom 8:8-11

Gospel Jn 11:1-45


This is the final of the Johannine gospels for Lent.

It is directed particularly to those who are about to be baptised. It speaks of new life in Christ, which allows all newly baptised to share in the glory of the risen Lord. As Jesus proclaims “Have I not told you that if you believe you will see the glory of God? “That glory which overcomes death itself becomes hope in the face of our greatest fear, death.

We know that hope is one of the great Christian virtues, perhaps here you could share a story of hope.

The glory of God, the glory of Christ and the glory of the Spirit allows us to hope, no matter what life presents. As Ezekiel proclaims in the first reading, whilst in the midst of isolation, slavery, pain and suffering, “I shall put my spirit in you and you will live” 

One Sunday morning I was driving along the Princess Highway to celebrate Eucharist. As I was driving along, the Air ambulance helicopter flew overhead towards Melbourne. It would be carrying a critically ill patient. Looking at the helicopter I prayed. A question then arose for me as I prayed: “What am I praying for?” If I remember correctly , I asked the holy spirit for insight. The spirt did respond and reminded me that I was praying for that great virtue, hope.

In the face of death, acute trauma and lifelong consequences, I was praying for hope. Hope for the patient in the midst of pain, hope for the family in the midst of worry and anxiety, hope for friends and colleagues of the person in crisis. We ask the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to bring hope to this situation.

The readings are teaching the Catechumens and for all of us who have been baptised, confirmed, and received Eucharist not only do we share God’s glory but “ We always go in peace to love and serve the Lord. “

There is a real temptation in contemporary Christian life to be trapped in the tombs of self-righteousness, hurt, doubt and despair. We are called to be the people of light, not darkness. Our boldest proclamation to a world lost in self-centredness and unbridled Capitalism is that there is another way to live. In this way of being, we move from darkness to light. We live in a world where hope springs eternal.