Peggy Harvey, Pastoral Associate, St Michael’s Parish Berwick 

First Reading Isaiah 6:1-8, Second Reading 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Gospel Acclamation Matthew 4:19


Through our Baptism we have been given a mission in life to go out and spread the Good News. Each time we leave Mass we are reminded of this mission.


God speaks to us in many ways, including through the Sunday Scripture readings. In today's readings we hear different experiences of hearing and responding to the call of God. God calls each of us uniquely to be a light and presence in our world and bring people to know and love God. We do this through word and action and often we are not aware of just how much we influence those around us by our positive way of life.

In today's Gospel, Jesus teaches his many followers from Simon's boat. Jesus turns to Simon and instructs him about where to lower the fishing nets. Although he thinks it is a waste of time, Simon obeys Jesus and lowers his nets into the deeper water as directed. In the Gospel, Simon who we also know as Peter, calls Jesus by the title “master.” He already recognizes Jesus as a person of authority. Simon Peter becomes a follower of Jesus immediately. Although there were others with Simon Peter, Jesus gives him a new job, as a fisher of people rather than a fisher of fish. Today we continue to speak of Peter’s leadership by referring to the Pope as his successor. Jesus chose him because he saw his potential as someone who could draw people to him in the work he was doing for the kingdom.

Through the readings today we find people who feel they are not worthy to speak of or work in God’s name. These feelings and expressions of unworthiness were marks of humility. They acknowledged the fact that they were not worthy to share the message of God. Their feelings and humility drew God’s attention to the fact that they needed his grace and strength to succeed.

He knows what we are capable of and recognises in each of us the potential to share his love with others. To emphasis the point He does not choose learned teachers, rich people, people of high standing in society, God chooses fisherman, unskilled workers people of low standing in society to be his followers. They lead by example: by leaving their fishing boats and following him. People are influenced by their faith, by their unreserved belief in God as Father and leader. God was the one who simply made them worthy of his work. As He does with us!

As we hear in today’s readings, we can find reasons not to answer God’s call – man of unclean lips, not worthy. In our lives it could be not helping others, not caring about the poor or displaced but God will continue to call us to do his will. In our humanness, God knows all our imperfections, but He continues to make us worthy to be his messengers in word and action.

A gift and a challenge before us each day is to share the message of the Gospel with all those we meet through our words and actions.