On Saturday, May 11th, at the 6 pm Mass, the St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Clyde North was filled with joy and gratitude as Bishop Greg presided over the Diocesan Mystagogia Mass, assisted by Fr. Denis, Fr. Paul, Fr. Jithin, Fr. Daniel, and Deacon Mark Kelly. The Mass was a special occasion of thanksgiving for those people who were initiated into the Catholic Church at this year’s Easter vigil.


During the Mass, Piwai Kahonde who was newly initiated  from Clyde North shared a heartfelt testimony of her inspiring journey through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Her words touched the hearts of many, reminding everyone of the transformative power of faith, and the grace of God's love.


Following the Mass, attendees gathered for a shared supper, marking a fitting celebration to welcome the newest members of our Catholic Church who are setting out on their faith journey. A heartfelt thanks was extended to all RCIA Coordinators, Team members, sponsors, and faith communities who guided and supported these individuals on their journey of initiation into the Catholic Church.