The Inverloch branch of the Catholic Women's League (CWL) proudly marked its 50th anniversary last year, with two of its original members still actively participating in meetings.

Each month, the members gather for a meeting that begins with a reflective session and concludes with a shared lunch, promoting a sense of community and togetherness.

Dedicated to supporting local causes, the Inverloch CWL raises funds for initiatives such as the local Primary school welfare program and the Wonthaggi branch of St. Vinnies. These efforts are sustained by events like the summer holiday raffle and cake stalls held on long weekends, which benefit from the influx of holiday visitors.

In addition to their fundraising activities, the CWL organizes community events to welcome new parishioners and strengthen parish bonds. Highlights include the annual Parish BBQ in summer, monthly Cuppa Sundays, and the annual Ladies' Lunch, which are highly anticipated by the community.

The Inverloch CWL also works with women from the Anglican and Uniting Churches to host significant events such as The World Day of Prayer and the Biggest Morning Tea in support of the Cancer Council.

Through these initiatives, the Inverloch CWL continues to uphold its mission of service, community building, and faith-based support, making a meaningful impact on the local community.