Catholic schools and parishes within the Diocese of Sale will unite to promote Child Safety Week which runs from 3 to 10 September 2023.
This year, Catholic schools and parishes have shared their innovative child safety projects through a video and resource titled, Child Safety in Action in the Diocese of Sale.
Bishop of Sale, Most Reverend Greg Bennet, opened the video by commending schools and parishes for their valuable work aimed at keeping children and young people safe.
He acknowledged that many of the projects were developed by young people themselves with the support of their schools and parishes, which reflect Victorian Child Safe Standard 3: Student voice and empowerment.
"As Christians, we believe that every person is created in the image and likeness of God. It is our responsibility as a Catholic community to ensure they are valued, respected, and protected. Everyone has a role in keeping children safe.”
Director of Catholic Education for the Diocese of Sale, Mr Paul Velten said the projects complement the extensive work done to build systems that keep children and young people safe in school and church communities guided by the Victorian Child Safe Standards.
"I hope these projects will inspire others and encourage meaningful discussions surrounding child safety within schools, families, parishes, and the broader community.”
“Throughout Child Safety Week, our schools and parishes will actively share resources and conduct various activities covering a broad range of topics, including online safety.”
“We strongly encourage families, grandparents, and all individuals to actively initiate conversations about child safety with the younger generation in their lives. These conversations are invaluable in shaping their understanding and awareness of this important subject.”
Bishop Greg Bennet concluded the video with a message that it is not just our actions, but also our words and intentions that shape the future.
“May we always choose kindness, compassion, and understanding, for it is through these qualities that we truly bless and protect the innocence of our youth.”