Contact Details

1 Scott St, Cranbourne Get directions
(03) 5996 1985
Our Priest(s): Fr Antony Rebelo IVDei PP Fr Prabhu Antony IVDei AP
Parish Safeguarding Officer(s): John Kelly,(03) 5996 1985

Our Churches

St Agatha’s:
129 Sladen St, Cranbourne
Reconciliation: Friday 10:00am, Saturday 10:00am

Our Schools

St Agatha’s Primary School:
1 Scott Street, Cranbourne
PO Box 35, Cranbourne 3977
(03) 5996 2724
St Therese’s Primary School:
131 Endeavour Drive, Cranbourne North
PO Box 520, Cranbourne 3977
(03) 5996 7525
St Peter’s Secondary College:
1005 Cranbourne-Frankston Rd, Cranbourne
PO Box 615, Cranbourne
(03) 5990 7777

For information regarding our ministries, faith groups and volunteer work, please visit our:

Code of Conduct and Statement of Commitment – Cranbourne
Download pdf

Mass times

St Agatha's, 129 Sladen St, Cranbourne:
Saturday 6:00pm, Sunday 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:45am and 6:00pm

  Easter Services


Parish Reconciliation Friday 11th April 7.00pm [Several Priest available]

Tenebrae Tuesday 15th April 7.00pm

Holy Thursday 17th April No morning Mass

         Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7.00pm

         Adoration at the Altar of Repose until Midnight in the Parish Hall

Good Friday 18th April No Morning Mass

         Stations of the Cross 10.00am in the Church

         Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion 3.00pm: Church,

         School Hall & Parish Hall

Holy Saturday 19th April No morning Mass, Holy Hour or Reconciliation

Easter Vigil 7.30pm [Candles will be supplied by Parish]

Easter Sunday 20th April

Mass 7.30am, 9.00am, 10.45am

Divine Mercy Sunday 26th April