These Liturgical Guidelines are intended to assist Clergy and faithful in the reverent and joyful celebration of Mass while maintaining the health and safety precautions offered through health and government authorities. It is by carefully observing the directives and precautions outlined in this document that the celebration of Mass, even with the limitations of restrictions now in place can take place prudently. We look forward to gathering together with all our people to safely celebrate the Eucharistic, but in the meantime we will follow these guidelines with diligence, using common sense and respect for others.
If there are difficulties maintaining any of the following directives, then Masses should be suspended.
Outdoor Masses, Funerals, Weddings, Baptisms, and Live-Streaming.
- For Clergy: Masks should be worn as you enter for Mass. They may be removed during the celebration of Mass, but are to be placed back on for the distribution of Holy Communion and at the conclusion of Mass as you process out.
- All present in the worship space –including musicians, technicians for live streaming, and cleaners, MUST wear masks at all times as per the DHHS Guidelines.
- Sanitiser must be used regularly throughout the Liturgy and celebrants must visibly sanitise before and after the distribution of Holy Communion.
- Masks must be available. If anyone does not have one, or there is not one available, they cannot participate or enter the church.
- All hygiene and distancing regulations must continue to be met as per the general guidelines below
- The reader may lower his/her mask for the readings. This applies as well for the Universal Prayer.
- This same direction is extended for a cantor (or singers where further number permit): when the cantor is singing, the mask may be lowered. It must be worn at all other times.
- The hosts to be consecrated for the faithful should be placed on a separate Paten (or Ciborium) to the Paten holding the host that the priest will consume.
The following information is designed to allow for the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass in a safe manner for both ministers and communicants. All liturgical norms that govern the ordinary distribution of Holy Communion are observed in these norms, preserving the integrity of the celebration and distribution of the Eucharist.
- All worshippers are to wear a face covering or mask throughout the celebration of Mass and the other Sacraments.
- Instructions on receiving Holy Communion should be given to communicants at the time of the Fraction Rite.
- The following is recommended:
The Priest or (minister):
- Sanitises hands before beginning distribution
- Wears a mask throughout distribution
- Each communicant comes forward to a place approximately 1.5 metres away
- Exchanges the dialogue, while both wearing their masks
- Places the host slightly above the outstretched and flat hands of the communicant
- Waits until the communicant has moved away before calling forth the next person
- Sanities hands after completing distribution
The Communicant:
- Required distancing between communicants is maintained in the queue.
- Wears a mask.
- Sanitises hands at a dispensing station before coming to receive Communion.
- Engages in the dialogue and receives the host in the hand, while wearing the mask.
- Steps several metres to the side, and away from the priest.
- Removes one side of the mask to place the Host in their mouth with the other hand.
- Re-positions the mask.
- Returns to their seat via a different pathway.
PLEASE NOTE: It is advised that when live-streaming, reception of Holy Communion is done off-screen/video.
Adapted with permission from Archbishop’s Office, Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.
Current as at 28/10/2020