User Prayer and Spirituality

The opportunity to experience charismatic prayer is available through Catholic Charismatic Renewal prayer groups in various locations around the diocese.

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal Chaplain is Fr Francis Otobo.

Education Office

What does it mean to be charismatic?

Charismatic renewal is a ‘Current of Grace’ which God is using to restore and renew His Church. It must not be understood as a movement or alternative spirituality within the Catholic Church, but rather an integral part of it.

The Holy Spirit also gives us the charisms or gifts that empower us to be God’s witnesses in the world and instruments of his love, healing and compassion to those we meet. Baptism of the Holy Spirit can be understood as providing a tangible experience of the power of the Holy Spirit that we receive in our sacramental baptism and confirmation.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit enables the release and empowerment of the gifts, fruits and charisms already received in Baptism and Confirmation to bring us into a personal relationship with Jesus and to help us to bring God’s Good News of Jesus Christ to others.

Many report experiencing the joy of God’s love for them and the power of the Holy Spirit to break or be released from bad habits. Others the grace to become free from addictions.

John 10.10 “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full”

For a list of locations and prayer group times, please follow this link.


Contacts for Local CCR Prayer Groups

Cathy McLure
Ph: (03) 5174 3001
Mobile: 0432 588 195

Mary Sayers
Ph: (03) 5629 5339
Mobile: 0414 950 629

Lindsay and Arriene D’Argent

Mobile: 0432 375 391

Jacinta Gunn
Mobile: 0426 973 026

There is a Facebook page for the Diocese of Sale – Catholic Charismatic Renewal which you can like.

Catholic Charismatic Renewal

Prayer Group Locations

St Mary's Church
Monday – 7:30pm

St Michael's Church Princes Highway, Berwick
Friday – 7:30pm


SRM Prayer Group
OLHC Church Narre Warren Princes Highway, Narre Warren
Friday – 7:30pm

St Marys Church Hall
Wednesday – 10:00am


St Agatha's Prayer Group Parish Centre Sladen St Cranbourne 3977
Monday – 10:30am


St Joseph’s Parish Hall
Thursday – 10:00am

Church St Thursday – 7:30pm


St Joseph's Church Witton St
Friday – 7:30pm

Koinanea of John the Baptist Community
Tuesday – 7:30pm


St Mary’s Parish Meeting Room Main St
Tuesday – 9:30am

Lakes Entrance
St Brendan's Church Hobby Hall
3rd Tuesday – 1:30pm


St Kierans Church Meeting Room
Monday – 1:00pm

Narre Warren
OLHC Prayer Community
Friday – 7:30pm


Narre Warren North
Sri Lankan Prayer Group St Mary MacKillop School Ernst Wanke Drive
Sunday – 6:00pm

Narre Warren South
Saturday – 1:00pm


St Patrick's Parish Centre Princes Highway
Friday – 7:30pm

San Remo
Star of the Sea, Church Phillip Island Rd
Monday – 7:00pm


St Michaels Parish/School Hall