Parish communities welcome approaches from local community members to learn more about the Catholic faith and to explore becoming a Catholic.

The interest in the faith and following the example of Jesus Christ in your daily life may happen at different points in your life –as an adult, young person or as a child. You can read here a little about what Catholics believe here.

Here are the ways you can ask about becoming a Catholic depending on your circumstances.


As an adult

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process run in parishes for adults who are interested in learning about the Catholic Faith or who wish to become Catholics. The process is suitable for both adults who are not baptised and adults baptised in another Christian Church.

To find out more, please contact the local Catholic Parish. Alternatively, you can contact our Diocesan RCIA Coordinator Joan Robertson via email or phone 5623 1642 or mobile 0434 647 816.


As a young person

If you have become interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, through discussions in your family, school or Catholic youth group, there are support people in your local parish or at your Catholic secondary college who can assist you in your journey to become a Catholic.

To find out more, contact the local Catholic parish or the Catholic Identity and Mission Leader at the Catholic college you may be attending.

Walk With Me is a resource designed specifically for secondary students in their journey towards Initiation in the Catholic Church. Walk With Me is based on the Church’s Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and assists those who accompany young people on their faith journey. See Prayer and Sacrament Resources to access this guide.


As a primary school aged child

Some families allow their child to decide if they would like to join the Catholic community at an older age rather than opting for infant Baptism. In some cases, non-Catholic children attending a Catholic school may develop an interest in becoming a Catholic.

Parents can approach the local Catholic Parish or the parish Catholic primary school to receive support for their primary school aged child to be learn more about the Catholic faith and prepare for Baptism.

Within the Diocese of Sale, this process of Christian initiation of children is Family-Centred, Parish-Based, School and Catechist Supported. The Sacraments of Initiation for Children Policy of the Diocese of Sale sets the direction for this journey.

To learn more about the Catholic faith, please visit Catholic Australia. Alternatively, you can visit the Catholic Enquiry Centre.